We have a number of communication channels if you need to get in touch.
Real-time chat
We use Discord for real-time communication.
Discussion and bugs
A lot of project-specific communication happens on the Issues for the specific project. Check the Project list for specific project links.
We also use Github Discussions as a forum to discuss projects. If you have a question about how to use a BeeWare tool, open a discussion thread in the repository for that tool.
Direct Questions to Core Contributors
If you need direct help and don't feel comfortable using a public forum, please feel free to get in contact with any Core Contributor, either by email, Twitter, Mastodon, or Discord.
However, be aware that if your question can be asked in a public forum, it should be. This ensures that as many people as possible are able to benefit from any answer that is given - if you're having a problem, it's highly likely someone else is having the same problem.
In addition, the core team will not provide free support or debugging help for commercial projects. If you're not able to post your question on a public forum, you'll need to seek out someone willing to provide commercial support to meet for your needs.