BeeWare no habría sido posible sin el apoyo financiero y en especie de las siguientes empresas e individuos. Toda la comunidad BeeWare les agradece por su apoyo.

¿Por qué no convertirse usted mismo en un miembro del proyecto BeeWare?

Gold Members


With more than 45 million users, Anaconda is the most popular operating system for AI providing access to the foundational open-source Python packages used in modern AI, data science and machine learning through a seamless platform. Anaconda pioneered the use of Python for data science, championed its vibrant community, and continues to steward open-source projects that make tomorrow’s innovations possible. Their enterprise-grade solutions enable corporate, research, and academic institutions around the world to harness the power of open-source for competitive advantage, groundbreaking research, and a better world.

Professional Members

  • Alyssa CoghlanAlyssa Coghlan
  • Lincoln LoopLincoln Loop
  • Al SweigartAl Sweigart
  • Matthias KestenholzMatthias Kestenholz

Individual Members

  • Timothy Bell
  • Wes Broadway
  • Katie McLaughlin
  • Kathleen Burnett
  • Gerard Blais
  • Harry Percival
  • Michael Field
  • Eric Froemling
  • Gary T. Giesen
  • Katie Bell
  • Michal Sladek
  • Juan M. Rodriguez
  • Henrique Groszmann Faria
  • Stefane Fermigier