مشروع BeeWare ليس أداة أو مكتبة، هو عبارة عن مجموعة من المشاريع و التي يمكن إستعمالها للمساعدة في تطوير، و معالجة و تشغيل برمجيات بايثون. كل أداة تتبع فلسفة يونكس، في إتقان العمل. كل أداة يمكن استعمالها بمفردها أو بتوصيلها مع أدوات أخرى لتوفير أدوات برمجة قويّة


Applications are standalone end-user application. Although applications are written in Python, this is an implementation detail - you shouldn't ever be aware of this fact. Applications are installed and run the same way as any other end-user application on your computer.


A tool is a special class of application that is installed into a Python virtual environment. Tools are used to assist when developing standalone applications, in roles from debugging and testing to packaging.


Libraries are re-usable blocks of code that can be used in a project. Libraries will usually be installed as dependencies of tools, applications, or other libraries.


A bridge is a combination tool & library that is used to run Python code where the CPython runtime cannot be used. The bridge provides the mechanism to run Python code in a different runtime environment.


Templates are Cookiecutter configurations to generate the boilerplate code needed to get a Python project running as an application on a particular platform.


Support projects are pre-packaged bundles of compiled artefacts that are needed to run Python on a particular platform.