The Cobblers Children Have No Shoes: Development Tools and the Unix Philosophy

بواسطة Russell Keith-Magee; نُشِرَ 17 January 2014

In this talk, Dr. Russell Keith-Magee describes how development tools have lacked the progression of the applications made with them.

كما رُئِيَ في Linux Australia 2014 - Open Programming Miniconf

Announcing Bugjar

بواسطة Russell Keith-Magee; نُشِرَ 4 September 2013

A lightning talk at DjangoCon US 2013, where Dr. Russell Keith-Magee announced Bugjar

كما رُئِيَ في DjangoCon US 2013

Tinkering with Tkinter

بواسطة Russell Keith-Magee; نُشِرَ 10 July 2013

Tkinter - the Python wrapper to the Tk graphics library - has been part of the Python standard library since very early on. However, that inclusion hasn't translated into extensive use.

There was a very good reason for this. Tk's documentation was beyond awful. And if you managed to get over that hurdle, Tkinter apps looked awful - they had a woefully inadequate set of widgets, styled with the very best of mid 1990's open source graphic skill.

And then, the world got obsessed with web frameworks, and the desktop was declared as dead.

However, in the last few years, many of the reasons Tkinter was ignored have been quietly fixed. Tk 8.4 massively improved the visual appearance of Tk. has emerged, addressing many of the problems with Tk documentation.

In this talk, you'll get a re-introduction to an old friend, and an explanation of why, in a web and mobile world, you should care.

كما رُئِيَ في PyCon AU 2013


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