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How we ensure that the BeeWare community stays welcoming and friendly.
Core Team, and Responsibilities
What is the core team, and what do they do?
Getting help
Stuck while using a BeeWare tool? Here's how to get help.
Keeping informed
Want to stay in touch about developments in the BeeWare project? Here's how.
Videos, blogs, and other resources from the community that you may find helpful.
Members make the world go around.
Related projects
Because sometimes, other people have good ideas (a shocking thought, we know!)
Ticari Seçenekler
BeeWare açık kaynaklı bir proje olmasına rağmen, ücretli destek, eğitim ve danışmanlık sağlayabilecek şirketler ve bireyler vardır.
Commercial support
Need help with your commercial BeeWare project? Here's where to look.