Russell Keith-Magee will be speaking at PyCon US 2023, giving a presentation entitled "You *can* take it with you: Packaging your Python code with Briefcase".

Once you're written your amazing new application using Python, the next problem you'll face is how to get that application into the hands of users. If your users are familiar with pip and and venv, you can put pip install instructions into a README, and leave it at that. But what if your audience aren't Python programmers? What if your app needs to be used by people who don't write Python at all? How do you distribute your code so that others can use it?

In this talk, you'll learn about Briefcase, a tool that can convert a Python project into platform-native apps on macOS, Windows, Linux - and can also target iOS, Android, and the web. You'll learn how to use Briefcase to start a new project, or convert an existing project for distribution. You'll learn about the features of Briefcase that can support you while you develop your application. Finally, you'l learn how to generate installers and standalone applications for multiple platforms from a single Python codebase.

April 21, 2023
  • Russell Keith-Magee