February 2025 Status Update
February may be the shortest month - but it's been a month of big progress for BeeWare!
What we've done
- The biggest news for the month is that it is now possible to upload iOS and Android wheels to PyPI! This is ultimately a very small change adding a list of allowed tags to the underlying PyPI codebase - but it is an important step towards the goal of having the Python ecosystem support iOS and Android as a first class citizen.
- We submitted a pull request adding iOS support to cibuildwheel. With this change, a simple package can build binary wheels for iOS with a single command: CIBW_PLATFORM=ios cibuildwheel. As proof, we built and published iOS wheels for a simple binary package. For completeness, we also built and uploaded Android wheels using our existing Chaquopy-based build tooling; in the near future, we're hoping to replace that with a cibuildwheel-based approach as well.
- We completed a major refactor of the BeeWare website. This dramatically simplifies the structure of some parts of the website - most notably, the projects page. A huge thanks to community member Kattni for all their hard work on this refactor.
- We released Briefcase 0.3.22. This is a bug fix release to silence a warning raised during builds caused by the release of pip 25.0. This warning had the potential to become an error at an unknown point in the future, so we decided to push out a low-feature release to avoid that possibility.
- We released Toga 0.4.9. This release contains only 1 change over the 0.4.8 release - it imposes an upper bound on the version of Travertino that it specifies as a requirement. This ensures that when we release the next version of Travertino, we don't need to accomodate compatibility with Toga 0.4 APIs.
- We added initial support for GTK4 to Toga. This is only the very initial phases of GTK4 support - most widgets aren't currently supported - but the basic infrastructure that allows a GTK4 app to start at all now exists. We now need to go through the process of porting every GTK widget for GTK4 compatibility. Thanks to the work we did on the Toga 0.4 widget audit, we have a comprehensive test suite that we can use to evaluate progress on this task.
- We corrected some issues with background color handling on Windows, including adding support for transparency on widget backgrounds. This also included adding support for alpha blending to Travertino.
- We corrected a long-standing issue that caused instability in Toga's iOS tests.
- We corrected a problem with the CPython iOS test runner that prevented multiple test runners starting at the same time, and another problem that was caused when running the runner under CI conditions.
- We upgraded the CPython iOS buildbot to run on macOS Sonoma, and Xcode 16.4; this some issues with iOS 18 compatibility that we have resolved.
What's next?
In March we will continue to work on binary packaging. Although it is now possible to upload binary wheels to PyPI, that capability isn't much use unless projects are able to build those wheels in the first place. In the process of developing the pull request for cibuildwheel, we've identified a gap in the PEP 517 specification associated with building more complex binary packages, and a set of missing features in virtual environments in a cross-platform build configuration. We have some ideas for how to fill these gaps; but we need to do some more experimentation to prove that those approaches will work as expected. The eventual goal will be to author a PEP to address these gaps in the PEP 517 standard. We should also be able to begin the process of adding Android binary wheel support, mirroring the changes we've made for iOS over the past months.
We'll also continue to work on Python Emscripten support. The Emscripten buildbot is almost ready to launch; we have one last technical issue to resolve, and then we'll be able to add Emscripten to the CPython buildbot fleet.
Unfortunately, it looks like the work we were planning on Toga's Web backend will be deferred. We believed we may have had an opportunity to work with another group at Anaconda to improve Toga's web backend, but that opportunity looks like it will not eventuate. We're still interested in improving the web backend, but we probably won't be able to commit significant resources to that project in the near future.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to request that an app be given focus
- Investigate the source of a Table column resize issue on Windows
- Correct the handling of double quotes in formal names
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
January 2025 Status Update
It's the start of a new year, and we've already seen some big improvements to BeeWare!
What we've done
- We released Briefcase 0.3.21.
- We modified Briefcase to use the native iOS platform support that was added in pip v24.3.
- We made substantial improvements to Briefcase's macOS notarization tools. It is now possible to suspend and resume a Briefcase notarization attempt.
- We made Briefcase's check of system tools more resilient on Debian-based systems, accounting for situations where users have installed all the constituent pieces of the build-essential meta package, but haven't actually installed build-essential.
- We modified the Briefcase bootstrap API to give the bootstrap access to the Briefcase console and logging tools.
- We simplified the handling of console, input and logging in Briefcase.
- We promoted Linux on ARM64 to a fully supported platform in Briefcase.
- We improved error reporting when the underlying tools used by Briefcase fail.
- We resolved some memory leaks in Toga's iOS backend.
- We added an API to Toga's WebView for retrieving cookies.
- We modified the constructor of Toga widgets to allow for style definitions to be provided as keyword arguments to the widget, rather than requiring a separate Pack object.
- We added aliases for some common horizontal and vertical alignment style properties to Pack.
- We added Row and Column functions as aliases for a Box with horizontal and vertical direction styles, respectively.
- We added event handlers for changes in focus and visibility on Toga Window objects. This also provides a mechanism for mobile apps to respond to being moved to and from a background state.
- We migrated the Travertino codebase into the Toga repository, and got Travertino's test suite to 100% branch coverage. This should make it easier to coordinate changes in Travertino with the corresponding changes in Toga.
- We corrected some issues with background color handling on iOS.
- We modified Rubicon ObjC to add support for recent changes to the way Python manages asyncio event loops.
- We formally published setuptools-dynamic-dependencies. This is a setuptools plugin that allows dependencies to be specified as dynamic properties. This is a tool that we've used for a while to ensure that toga-cocoa==X has a dependency on toga-core==X; it's now been formally published on PyPI for anyone to use.
- We continued to work on binary iOS packaging. We're almost ready to submit some changes to cibuildwheel to formally add support for building iOS packages.
What's next?
In February, we'll continue to work on binary packaging - we hope to be able to submit pull requests to cibuildwheel adding iOS support in the coming weeks. We may also begin the process of adding Android binary wheel support, mirroring the changes we've made for iOS.
We'll continue to work on Python Emscripten support. We're almost ready to stand up an Emscripten buildbot; this may happen in February. Lastly, we'll continue to work on Toga's Web backend, with the eventual aim of getting the web backend to the same level of support as the other Toga backends.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to request that an app be given focus
- Investigate the source of a Table column resize issue on Windows
- Correct the handling of double quotes in formal names
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
2025Q1 Roadmap
Progress in Q4 was slower than anticipated, but there have been some notable success in achieving BeeWare's overall project goals. As always, this roadmap should be read as a guide to what we aim to focus on over the coming quarter, rather than a hard commitment of features that will be made available on a specific deadline.
Q4 progress
Our goal for Q4 was to have at least one third-party package producing Android and iOS packages as part of their release process. We were unable to achieve this goal, for four reasons.
Firstly, we underestimated the chain of downstream dependencies that needed to be addressed before it would be possible to submit mobile packaging PRs to upstream projects. We correctly identified pip and cibuildwheel as two projects that would need to be updated; however, we didn't anticipate that those projects would themselves have upstream dependencies and issues that would require patching. The process of coming up to speed with the development tooling of multiple upstream projects, navigating the review processes of each of those projects, and sequencing changes over multiple projects so they are easier to merge has taken much longer than we anticipated.
Secondly, we underestimated how much work would be needed on the target projects themselves to make them ready for mobile support. We picked Pillow as one of our target projects because of its complex chain of binary dependencies. However we soon discovered that the way those binary dependencies were compiled for macOS required significant alteration before working on an iOS patch would be possible.
Third, the release of Xcode 16 included an unexpected surprise - it broke the mechanism we were using to gather results from test suites running on the iOS simulator. This required a significant change in CPython; however, as a result, we now have a much better mechanism for collecting test results, and the test harness the CPython uses to run its own tests can now be used to run test suites for any other Python project.
Lastly, we were presented with an opportunity to work closely with the PyScript team on web support, to the benefit of both projects. This redirected some of the resources that we originally anticipated would be used for Android binary packaging. However, it does mean that some significant improvements to Toga's web backend have been made, with more on the horizon in the new year.
Despite these challenges, we have made significant progress. pip now includes full support for iOS wheel tags. The patch adding a major feature to cibuildwheel that is a pre-requisite for iOS support has been accepted; we've been told this patch should be merged within days. We've submitted changes to Pillow that allow macOS builds to be completely isolated from Homebrew, and the patches required to support cross-platform builds of Pillow's binary dependencies have been merged. This leaves 2 patches that need to be merged - a patch to cibuildwheel adding support for building on iOS; and the patch to Pillow adding an iOS build configuration. These patches have been prepared, and are mostly ready for submission upstream; using these patches, it is possible to fully build and test Pillow wheels for iOS with cibuildwheel.
Q1 priorities
In Q1, we will continue to work on binary packaging for mobile platforms. We will continue to work on landing the patches to cibuildwheel and Pillow for iOS support; once that work has concluded, we hope to start making the analogous changes required to support Android.
Q1 will also see the continuation of our collaboration with PyScript. The major focus for BeeWare in this work will be Toga's Web backend - and in particular, Toga's testing infrastructure. We're not currently able to run Toga's testbed project on the web backend (or the Textual backend, for that matter). We have some ideas for how this could be addressed; these ideas may not be fully realised by the end of Q1, but we hope to at least have a concrete plan, and maybe even a prototype in place.
Lastly, with the CPython 3.14 development process well underway, there are two projects that we intend to work on, with the goal of having this work incorporated into Python 3.14. The first is the creation of official "embedded" distributions of CPython for more platforms. Python already produces an embedded build for Windows, and Briefcase is able to use this distribution as part of the process of creating Windows binaries. We hope that Python 3.14 will contain analogous builds for macOS, iOS and Android, removing the need for BeeWare (and other projects) to maintain independent CPython builds. We've had some initial discussions with the CPython release team; we hope that by the end of the quarter, we'll have a plan for how to deliver this work.
The second CPython feature we'd like to address is handling of cross-platform virtual environments - that is, creating a virtual environment that can "pretend" it is running on a different host platform. This is necessary for cross-platform builds, which require the ability to create an isolated PEP 517 build environment that can run Python on the local machine, but report platform-identifying information as if it were running on the target machine. A version of this cross-environment virtualization has been necessary to support cibuildwheel; however, it would be desirable to upstream this work so that it can be standardised as part of a stock Python environment. We hope to start discussions about this with the CPython core team in the near future.
Longer term goals
Once we've got a strong story for packaging third-party packages for iOS and Android, we'll be able to turn our focus back to Toga, and the work needed to make iOS and Android compelling app development platforms. There's a number of navigation and data organization widgets that need to be developed; we also need to improve documentation of some common development patterns that are sources of common questions in BeeWare support channels.
We'll should also be in a position to start working on the long list of projects in the Python ecosystem that would benefit from having iOS and Android support upstream. cryptography, numpy and pandas will be the highest priority for this work, but there's a very long tail of useful projects that have binary modules; ideally they'd all have iOS and Android support.
December 2024 Status Update
Work in December (and the publication of this update!) was slowed by the end-of-year break; but BeeWare still made some significant progress to round out the year.
What we've done
- We added a GTK implementation of Geolocation services.
- We made a number of improvements to Pack, Toga's style API. This includes adding a "justify-content" style directive, adding a "gap" style directive, and updating a number of Pack properties to match their CSS names.
- We standardised the way in which Toga widgets are instantiated. This simplifies the implementation process, and guarantees that the initial styles added to a widget are always applied.
- We added an API for reporting and controlling the state of Toga windows.
- We began modifying Toga to be compatible with MicroPython. MicroPython is significantly smaller than the full CPython install, reducing the startup time for web apps.
- We updated Briefcase's web template to use a more recent PyScript version.
- We added support for console apps in the Briefcase project conversion wizard.
- We improved error handling when updating Briefcase templates, accounting for some global git configuration options that were causing problems for some users.
- We added explicit support for passing options to pip when installing dependencies with Briefcase. This is mostly useful for specifying alternative package repositories (with --index-url or --extra-index-url) or local folders that contain wheels (with --find-links); but any pip arguments can be passed down to the pip invocation.
- We corrected an error in the default D-Bus configuration of Flatpak apps.
- We resolved a long-standing memory management issue in Rubicon. This change removes almost all need for manual memory management of ObjC objects, making iOS and macOS development much more robust. It also resolves some memory leak issues on Toga's iOS backend.
- We added support for CPython to stream stdout and stderr to the system log on iOS and macOS. This change included a improved tool for running CPython test suites, making it possible to stream the output of a CPython test suite while the test suite is running, and to run the an arbitrary test suite, not just the CPython test suite.
- Our patch adding a test-sources configuration in cibuildwheel has been accepted, and should be merged in a couple of days.
- We reviewed a large number of improvements to Emscripten support in CPython.
What's next?
We'll publish a full Q1 roadmap in a day or two; but our goal for January will be to continue the work we were doing in December. We'll continue to push patches upstream to support binary packaging, with iOS support for Pillow being the immediate goal. We'll continue to work on Python Emscripten support, and Toga's Web backend, with the eventual aim of getting the web backend to the same level of support as the other Toga backends. We're planning to publish new versions of Rubicon ObjC, Travertino and Toga in the coming days; these are major updates that will involve some minor backwards compatibilities. Lastly, we've had a number of reports of bugs with Briefcase's macOS notarization and Windows packaging which we will be investigating.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to request that an app be given focus
- Investigate the source of a Table column resize issue on Windows
- Correct the handling of double quotes in formal names
- Modify the default bootstrap to provide more helpful initial values
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
November 2024 Status Update
In November, BeeWare made more good progress on mobile packaging - however, that work has revealed a number of upstream tools that need modification before we can contribute wheels for mobile platforms.
What we've done
- We attended PyCon AU; video of the talk we gave on accessing phone hardware from Python is available on YouTube. We also had a very productive sprint - 9 contributors earned their challenge coin, for contributions ranging from corrections to the tutorial, to the addition of a dark mode flag to Toga. We also gave out one Yak Herder coin, for someone who helps other people to get their challenge coin. A huge thank you to everyone that came along and participated!
- Our patch for Pillow isolating its build system from Homebrew when building on macOS has been finalised and merged. This is essential for iOS support, as it's easy for Homebrew macOS ARM64 binaries to leak into iOS builds; but it also has benefits for macOS builds.
- We've completed work on modifications to the Pillow build system to support building for iOS. However, testing this work has revealed the need for additional changes to cibuildwheel and the upstream CPython support for iOS.
- We've submitted a PR to cibuildwheel to add a test-sources configuration item. This feature is required for iOS testing, but can also be used on other platforms, so we've contributed it independently in order to make the iOS changes easier to test.
- We've started work on some modifications to how the CPython iOS testbed project is run. This has become necessary because of a change introduced in Xcode 16, but in order to fix the problem, we'll also be able to improve the reporting of test output during a test run, and also make the test harness useful as a generic utility for any iOS project.
- We've made good progress towards resolving a long-standing memory management issue in Rubicon. This change will remove almost all need for manual memory management of ObjC objects, making iOS and macOS development much more robust.
- We resolved a number of CPython test stability issues on Android. In most cases, this wasn't an indicator of a broken feature, but of an unstable test - but as a result of the extensive testing done by CPython as a project, even a small instability can manifest as a semi-regular test failure.
- We've started work on modifying Toga's web backend to be compatible with Micropython. This significantly reduces the startup time for a Toga app; we're hoping to be able to spend a lot more time on the web backend in the coming year.
- We've formally taken on responsibility for restoring Emscripten to Tier 3 support in CPython, and reviewed a number of patches aimed at restoring Emscripten support.
What's next?
December will be a short month because of end-of-year holidays; we'll be continuing to work on binary packaging. The work we've done porting Pillow to iOS has revealed a number of gaps in the tooling needed to develop and test packages for iOS; so we will be working on getting that upstream tooling in place, using Pillow as a demonstrator for that work. Our overall goal hasn't changed - to get tools in place so that third-party projects can officially support iOS and Android - but it's become clear that there's a lot more upstream work required than we originally anticipated. However, we'll keep working toward this goal until creating packages for iOS and Android is as straightforward as any other platform.
We'll also be continuing to work on Python Emscripten support, and Toga's Web backend, with the eventual aim of getting the web backend to the same level of support as the other Toga backends.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to entirely replace the style of a widget
- Investigate the source of a Table column resize issue on Windows
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
October 2024 Status Update
In October, BeeWare saw some important releases, plus more good progress on binary packaging for iOS.
What we've done
- Most importantly, we released Briefcase 0.3.20 and Toga 0.4.8, including support for Python 3.13 - which includes the official support in Python for iOS and Android! This is a major milestone for BeeWare as a project, representing a significant portion of the work done over the last 12 months.
- We've prepared an initial patch to cibuildwheel that is able to build and test simple iOS wheels. This patch isn't ready to submit upstream, but it is able to build simple iOS wheels.
- We've submitted a patch to Pillow to isolate its build system from Homebrew when building on macOS. This is essential for iOS support, as it's easy for Homebrew macOS ARM64 binaries to leak into iOS builds; but it also has benefits for macOS builds.
- We've made a number of improvements to multibuild, the tooling that Pillow uses to compile non-Python binary dependencies.
- We've modified the CPython iOS testbed project so that it can be used as a testbed for any iOS Python project.
- We've improved error reporting when Briefcase can't clone a template.
- We've switched to using httpx instead of requests for Briefcase's internal download handling. This provides slightly better error handling, better options for improving HTTP/2 usage, and we're now consistently using httpx in Briefcase and in our example code.
- We've modified Toga to lazily load components, rather than importing everything into the toga namespace at startup. This should improve application startup times, especially on platforms like mobile and web where this startup time is noticeable.
- We resolved an issue causing intermittent test failures when testing Toga on Wayland.
What's next?
We will be continuing to work on binary packaging in November. We're using Pillow as a demonstrator for this work - it's a package that has a significant binary component, is widely used (including on mobile), but has a non-trivial build process (largely due to the non-Python binary dependencies). The hope is that by the time we're able to compile Pillow for iOS, we will have resolved many of the issues facing other binary packages. Our goal remains to have at least some third-party projects officially supporting iOS and Android by the end of the year, but this may be impeded by the sequence of dependencies that need to land and be published before upstream projects can accept iOS and Android patches.
We'll also be speaking at PyCon AU at the end of the month, including attending both days of the sprints. If you're able to make it to Narrm/Melbourne, we hope we'll see you there!
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Add support for custom PyPI repositories
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to entirely replace the style of a widget
- Correct the handling of quotation marks in Android apps
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
2024Q4 Roadmap
Q3 has seen some major progress against long term goals of the BeeWare project. As always, this roadmap should be read as a guide to what we aim to focus on over the coming quarter, rather than a hard commitment of features that will be made available on a specific deadline.
Q3 progress
In Q3 the biggest milestone we achieved was the finalisation of Tier 3 support for Android in CPython. The last of the compatibility and documentation issues associated with Android have been resolved, and Android buildbots are now running for both x86_64 and ARM64. Python 3.13.0 is due for release in about a week; we should be in a position to support this release very soon after the official release.
We've also made significant progress on binary packaging. We've backported all the Python 3.13 patches for iOS into BeeWare's support for Python 3.9-3.12, and we've updated our Mobile Forge infrastructure to generate binary wheels for a number of popular packages. We've developed iOS compatibility patches for pip and crossenv; these patches have been submitted and received initial reviews; we'll continue to work with those projects to land these patches upstream.
Q4 priorities
In Q4, we'll be focussing on the tools and documentation needed to for third-party Python packages to add Android and iOS support to their official CI and release processes. In addition to contributing to tools like pip and cibuildwheel, we'll develop the tools and documentation needed so that it is easy to add CI configurations for mobile platforms. The hope is that by the end of the year, there will be at least one third-party package that produces Android and iOS wheels without any direct involvement of the BeeWare team.
Longer term goals
Once we've got a strong story for packaging third-party packages for iOS and Android, we'll be able to turn our focus back to Toga, and the work needed to make iOS and Android compelling app development platforms. There's a number of navigation and data organization widgets that need to be developed; we also need to improve documentation of some common development patterns that are sources of common questions in BeeWare support channels.
There are also further improvements that we'd like to see in Python itself. This year we've been able to get Android and iOS to Tier 3 support; getting those platforms to Tier 2 is an obvious goal for future Python releases. We'd also like to contribute the tooling needed so that Python is able to distribute official binary releases of iOS and Android, and add an official macOS artefact that mirrors the "Windows embedded" installer. We've had discussions with the Python core team about how this could be achieved; over the coming year, we hope to land these changes.
September 2024 Status Update
In September, BeeWare hit an important milestone for Android support, made good progress on packaging for iOS, and landed some significant changes to Toga.
What we've done
- Android is now officially a Tier 3 platform in CPython! Over the last month, we've resolved a number of bugs that were preventing us from deploying a reliable buildbot for Android (on both x86_64 and ARM64); as a result, the CPython buildbot fleet now contains Android buildbots. The Android-related changes to documentation have also been merged; Python 3.13.0rc3 (due for release any day now) will incorporate all these changes.
- We completed the updates to Mobile Forge to support the new official iOS wheel format, and published updated wheels in this format for the packages for which we have recipes. As part of these changes, we've also added CI checks to Mobile Forge.
- We've submitted a patch to support iOS in pip. This patch also requires some patches to packaging and distlib that pip includes as vendored copies.
- We've submitted a patch to crossenv that allows cross-compiling Python packages for iOS. There is some additional work required before this patch can land - crossenv's testing framework is currently broken, so it's not currently possible to verify changes in CI. We'll be working on restoring this testing support in the very near future.
- We attended the CPython core team summit. During this week-long sprint, we were able to resolve a number of open questions about Python support on mobile, and begin planning for work that will hopefully be incorporated into the Python 3.14 release.
- We released Toga 0.4.7, incorporating fixes for a number of bugs discovered in the recent 0.4.6 release, as well as some minor feature additions.
- We transitioned Toga's GTK backend to use PyGObject's native asyncio support. This allowed us to deprecate Gbulb, the GTK asyncio plugin that we've been maintaining for several years.
- We corrected an issue with the use of recent Textual versions in Toga, and added a bare-bones runtime test to ensure that the problem doesn't re-occur. This also required a fix for macOS console app testing in Briefcase.
- We made some usability improvements to the rendering of Toga's documentation, and modified Toga's ReadTheDocs configuration to encourage search engines to return the stable documentation by default.
- We modified the handling of Toga's app icons on macOS to improve compatibility with PyInstaller.
- We corrected a number of issues with WebView handling, including ensuring that DOM storage is always available, and improving error handling when the WebView cannot be initialised on Windows.
- We added protection against an edge case of asynchronous Task handling that could lead to the premature garbage collection of long lived tasks. We've also had some discussions with the CPython core team about fixing this problem in Python itself.
- We spoke at PyBay on building mobile apps in Python.
What's next?
In October, we will continuing working on binary package support for mobile platforms. In addition to responding to any review feedback on the patches we've already submitted, we'll be working on new patches for cibuildwheel and meson-python, as well as tooling to make it easy for third-party libraries to run CPython test suites on mobile platforms. We should also be able finalise Briefcase's Python 3.13 support for Android, and start work on Android packaging. Supporting packaging for mobile platforms is a long term project which we expect to continue for several months; the hope is that by the end of the year, we will be able to contribute patches to third-party projects so that iOS and Android wheels become officially produced, rather than BeeWare-maintained artefacts.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Add support for custom PyPI repositories
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to entirely replace the style of a widget
- Correct the handling of quotation marks in Android apps
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
August 2024 Status Update
August has seen some good progress on BeeWare's support for Python 3.13, plus a number of long-awaited features landing in a stable release of Toga.
What we've done
- We've completed the process of backporting the CPython changes for iOS compatibility to Python 3.9 through 3.12. We've published support packages and stub binaries that incorporate these changes, and made the changes to Briefcase needed to support these new versions.
- We've begun work on updating Mobile Forge and related binary tooling to support the new official binary tag and framework format required by the PEP-compliant patch for iOS support. So far, we're able to compile simple binary packages like lru-dict, and non-Python dependencies like libjpeg; we're working on restoring binary support for more complex binary dependencies.
- We've landed the Android test runner script, fixed a number of issues that have arisen in CPython's Android support since the original patches landed, and deployed an Android CPython buildbot. This buildbot has revealed some edge cases (primarily in socket and signal handling) that only appear to manifest under the unusual load conditions generated by a buildbot; so, we've temporarily disabled the buildbot while we investigate the cause of these problems.
- We completed work on a new API for document-based apps.
- We completed work on an API for status icon apps.
- We released Toga 0.4.6. This includes the support for document-based apps, status icon apps, and a number of other long-awaited features, such as apps without menubars, available in a stable release.
- We updated the support for WebView on Windows to a more recent version, and resolved an issue with compatibility with Windows Store Python.
- We diagnosed and contributed fixes for a number of issues in tools that BeeWare depends on for our build tooling. This includes updates to CI configurations to support Sphinx 8, fixes for Sphinx 8 support in a Sphinx plugin, and diagnosing issues with a recent Towncrier update.
- We presented a keynote at Kiwi PyCon on the future of Python.
What's next?
In September, we'll be continuing work on binary package support for mobile platforms. Once we've restored support for binary wheels using the new binary tag and framework format, and added support for Python 3.13, we'll start upstreaming the changes we've made so that the wider Python ecosystem can start supporting iOS and Android. We'll also start working on the fixes to tools like pip, cibuildwheel, and meson-python that need to have explicit iOS support. We expect that this work will be ongoing for several months, but some of the work should be submitted upstream for review by the end of the month.
We'll also be presenting at talk at PyBay in San Francisco on mobile app development in Python, followed by the CPython core team sprint.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Add support for custom PyPI repositories
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to entirely replace the style of a widget
- Correct the handling of quotation marks in Android apps
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.
July 2024 Status Update
July saw a lot of our attention being consumed by the upcoming Python 3.13 release; but we've also seen some other improvements to the BeeWare suite.
What we've done
- We've resolved a number of issues with iOS and Android compatibility in CPython 3.13. Although patches for iOS and Android compatibility landed months ago, a number of changes have been landed since then which have inadvertently broken compatibility with these platforms. These issues usually indicate a subtle issue with the implementation of the feature that has been added - but diagnosing and correcting the source of the problem can often take days. There have also been some small improvements made to the iOS patches, such as a configuration option ensuring App Store compliance for both iOS and macOS.
- We've begun the process of backporting the CPython changes for iOS compatibility to the older supported CPython releases. So far, we've completed the port to 3.12, and the 3.11 port is mostly complete; backports for 3.10 and 3.9 should be underway shortly. This includes significant changes to the Python-Apple-support repository, switching the build of the macOS support package to be based on the official CPython download, and adding a CI test suite that can be used to simplify the process of making a new release.
- We've almost completed adding a test runner script for Android. This will form the basis for an Android CPython buildbot in the very near future.
- We've added support for using an externally managed libmpdec implementation to the iOS patch. This is a change that was recently introduced to CPython, and will become required in CPython 3.15.
- We've almost completed work on a new API for document-based apps.
- We've developed an initial design and prototype for status icon apps.
- We've added an API to make it easier to add and remove commands from a Toga app.
- We corrected an issue that was causing intermittent Toga CI failures on macOS.
- We've improved Briefcase's validation of the version of Git that a user has installed.
- We've corrected an issue with the way macOS signs apps. This was causing problems with apps that have particularly complex application layouts.
- We've modified Briefcase to use the newly available "stripped" Python Standalone binaries on Linux.
- We've improved the validation of document type declarations in a Briefcase project.
What's next?
In August, we'll be continuing preparations for the upcoming Python 3.13 release, and working on the mobile Python binary packaging ecosystem. The initial release candidate for Python 3.13 will be released very soon; with any luck, this means there should be less inadvertent breakages to diagnose, so we can focus on improvements to tools like pip, cibuildwheel, meson-python and more. We expect that this work will take most of the rest of the quarter to release; but there should be some initial signs of progress by the end of the month.
We'll also be at Kiwi PyCon, presenting a keynote about the future of Python.
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? Here are some open issues that would be a great place to get started with contributing to a BeeWare project. They're all relatively minor changes, but would provide a big improvement to the lives of BeeWare users:
- Update the Toga testbed test suite to use Pixel 7 Pro device sizes
- Filter out a message generated after Xcode updates
- Add the ability to configure the ABIs built by an Android project
- Rationalise the application of adhoc signing on macOS
- Add support for custom PyPI repositories
- Document how to debug an application in popular IDEs
- Add an option to select the Android base image when creating new emulators
- Add an API to entirely replace the style of a widget
- Correct the handling of quotation marks in Android apps
Pick one of these tickets, drop a comment on the ticket to let others know you're looking at it, and try your hand at a PR! We have a guide on setting up a Briefcase development environment; but if you need any additional assistance or guidance, you can ask on the ticket, or join us on the BeeWare Discord server.