We need your help!
Although the contributions of volunteers of are gratefully accepted, some things take money.
Your membership helps ensure BeeWare's continued development. With your support, the BeeWare team are able to fund development, and travel to events to help new contributors and share information.
In return, Members have increased access to the core team, and can help shape the direction and development priorities of the project as a whole.
Membership is available at many levels, depending on your financial circumstances.
For small businesses
- Vote on project priorities
- Listed on Members page:
- Name
- Medium logo
- Link to company website
- No brief company description
- Standard placement on services pages
- No logo in rotation on homepage
- No logo on key project pages
- 0 placed items (annually) in social media
- No annual meeting with core team
For established companies
- Vote on project priorities
- Listed on Members page:
- Name
- Large logo
- Link to company website
- Brief company description
- Priority placement on services pages
- Company logo on homepage
- Company logo on key project pages
- 1 placed items (annually) in social media
- No annual meeting with core team
For large corporations
- Vote on project priorities
- Listed on Members page:
- Name
- Banner logo
- Link to company website
- Brief company description
- Premium placement on services pages
- Company logo on homepage
- Company logo on key project pages
- 2 placed items (annually) in social media
- An annual meeting with core team
Enthusiast membership
If you would like to show your support for the BeeWare community, we invite you to become an Enthusiast Member of the BeeWare community for $10/month.
Become an Enthusiast memberEnthusiast members can have their name listed on the Members page.
We also have a scholarship program that grants memberships to individuals who have the potential to advance the BeeWare community in new or interesting ways. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please contact the BeeWare Scholarship Team.
Professional membership
If you use BeeWare in a professional capacity, we invite you to become a Professional Member of the BeeWare community for $50/month.
Become a Professional MemberProfessional members can have their name listed on the Members page, along with a small avatar, photograph or logo.
Bronze membership
If you are an independent consultancy, sole proprietorship, or other small business, we invite you to become a Bronze Member of the BeeWware community for $200/month.
Become a Bronze MemberBronze members can have their name listed on the Members page, along with a medium sized logo, name, and link to a company webpage of their choice.
If the member company wishes to advertise their consulting, training or software development services, they will receive a standard listing on the services pages of their choice.
Silver membership
If you represent a medium-sized business, established independent software vendor, or other mid-range company, we invite you to become a Silver Member for $1500/month.
Become a Silver MemberSilver members can have their name listed on the Members page, along with a large logo, company name, link to a company page of their choice, and a brief paragraph describing what the company does.
If the member company wishes to advertise their consulting, training or software development services, they will receive a priority listing on the services pages of their choice.
The company logo will also be put into rotation on the homepage as part of the sponsor's carousel.
Lastly, Silver members will be provided the option of a posting one item of their choice to BeeWare social media, per 12 month membership period (subject to editorial guidelines).
Gold membership
If you represent a large corporation or foundation that makes use of BeeWare, we invite you to become a Gold Member for $5000/month.
Become a Gold MemberGold members can have their name listed on the Members page, along with a banner logo, company name, link to a company page of their choice, and a brief paragraph describing what the company does.
The company logo will also be put into rotation on the homepage as part of the sponsor's carousel.
If the member company wishes to advertise their consulting, training or software development services, they will receive a premium listing on the services pages of their choice.
Gold members will be provided the option of a posting two items of their choice to BeeWare social media per 12 month membership period (subject to editorial guidelines).
Lastly, once per year, gold members will be offered a 1 hour meeting (over teleconference or in person) with a member of the core team to discuss the BeeWare project.
Once-off contributions
Memberships are our preferred way to support BeeWare, as they provide income stability over time. However, we understand that this isn't always compatible with some budgets or corporate expense processes.
If you can't (or don't want to) become a member of the BeeWare project, you can make a once-off financial contribution.
Make a once-off contributionIf the size of a once-off contributions meets or exceeds the value of a 12 month subscription, you'll be eligible to the benefits of that subscription level.
Other options
If you'd like to talk to someone about other branding or sponsorship opportunities, or you'd like other payment options for your membership, please direct enquiries to Russell Keith-Magee.