May 2022 Status Update

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 1 June 2022

It's been another busy month at the hive! The progress we made in May isn't as obvious as last month - but the changes that have been made are an essential part of ensuring we have a stable foundation for future work on the BeeWare ecosystem.

What we've done

During May:

  • We updated the Apple support packages. These updates aren't just a version bump - they also added support that enables the iOS emulator to run natively on M1 devices. This required a major restructure of the way the support packages are bundled, using Apple's new XCframework library packaging format.
  • We addressed an issue with the use of ctypes on physical iOS devices. ctypes is a core part of the infrastructure we use to integrate with the iOS system libraries, so resolving this bug was critical for distributing apps. The fix was deep in the core of libFFI, and has been submitted for integration into the upstream project.
  • We released an Android support package for Python 3.10, as well as updated support packages for Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9. These support packages dramatically are now dramatically smaller, and result in smaller end-user applications, thanks to some compiler flag optimisations suggested by the community.
  • We began the process of adding support for Python 3.11 to the Apple and Android support packages. This is the first time BeeWare has been able to contribute prerelease testing to the CPython project. In the process, we discovered a small backwards incompatibility. Baring major incidents, we should be in a position to release BeeWare's support for Python 3.11 on the same day as the official 3.11.0 is finalised.
  • We developed an acceptance test suite for the Apple and Android support packages. This test suite tests for features in the Python core that have a history of being broken (such as modules in the standard library that have binary components, but have been incorrectly compiled or inadvertently excluded from the build). This test suite isn't yet formally integrated into the build process, but the hope is that it will be in the near future.
  • We modified Briefcase so that it is able to run the Android emulator on M1 hardware. This required a major rebuild of the way the Android SDK tooling is managed.
  • We made further improvements to the log capture tools on macOS. This ensures that the first few seconds of application logs are reliably captured, and the log stream is terminated when the app exits.
  • We started the introduction of Black as a part of BeeWare's development tooling. BeeWare's repositories have always enforced code style guidelines, and those code styles are very closely aligned with Black's choices. With Black formally moving out of Beta status at the start of this year, the time has come to start adopting Black as a formal project requirement. For now, Briefcase is the only project that has formally adopted Black, but you can expect this to continue to roll out over the other projects in BeeWare over the coming months.
  • We resolved some minor bugs that were present in the 0.3.0dev33 release of Toga. Most important of these was a bug that prevented the BeeWare tutorial running on iOS devices.

Many of these changes either began as, or are entirely the work of community members. There are also plenty of smaller PRs, bug fixes, and bug reports that are just as important, but are too numerous to list. A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to BeeWare during May.

What's next?

In June, we'll be focussing on:

  • Publishing our roadmap for Q3 and beyond! Now that we have reliable development resources, we're in a position to make public commitments on the future direction of the project.
  • Completing the hiring process for another engineer to work on BeeWare full time. This hiring process is underway, but it's not too late to apply if you're interested. Full details of the position can be found on Greenhouse.
  • App Notarization on macOS. This is becoming an increasingly required part of macOS app publishing, as Apple cranks up their security requirements.
  • Improving Windows packaging. This includes improving the way the running app presents to the Task Manager, improving log capture, and app signing.
  • Improving Linux packaging. This includes addressing some issues with packaging binary dependencies.

Now Hiring!

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 9 May 2022

BeeWare is now hiring!

The position is a full time, Mid- to Senior position. You will be working full time in the Open Source group at Anaconda, on the BeeWare suite of tools. Full details of the position can be found on Greenhouse.

The position calls for an unusual combination of skills. The ideal candidate would have experience building GUI applications (especially mobile) and Python skills. However, because of the existing state of the Python ecosystem, most Python developers don't have GUI development experience, and most GUI developers don't have extensive Python experience. For that reason, if the position is interesting to you, but you don't have all the "must have" attributes - I would encourage you to apply anyway. A candidate with no GUI development experience will still considered, as long as they've got a demonstrated history of doing weird and wonderful things with Python. Similarly, a developer with deep GUI experience, but no Python experience, will also be considered.

The job location requirements are also unusual. The position is remote; the position requires that your working hours need to be compatible with UTC+8. This means candidates from Australia, South East and South Asia will be a natural fit. European candidates will need to be prepared for early morning starts. US/Canadian candidates will need to be prepared for evening work (very late evenings if you're in CST or EST timezones). Anaconda has the capacity to hire in the UK, Germany, India, Australia, US, and Canada. If you're not a resident of one of those countries, it may be possible to hire you, but it will likely require you to operate as a private contractor rather than a salaried employee.

I'm incredibly excited for what the future holds for BeeWare - if you'd like to come on this journey with me, please apply (and tell them Russell sent you)!

April 2022 Status Update

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 2 May 2022

One of the benefits of having the support of an organization like Anaconda is that we now have the time to perform little housekeeping tasks like publishing community updates. As a result, this is the first (of hopefully many) monthly updates letting you know what progress has been made in the BeeWare suite.

What we've done

During April:

Many of these PRs either began as, or are entirely the work of community members. There are also dozens of smaller PRs, bug fixes, and bug reports that are just as important, but are too numerous to list in a post like this. A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to BeeWare during April.

What's next?

In May, we'll be focussing on:

  • Updating the support packages for macOS and iOS apps. Apple's transition to M1 hardware means there are new simulator architectures that require support; this, in turn, requires that we adopt Xcode's new XCFramework for the packaging libraries, which requires some fairly major changes to the way the support packages are built.
  • Updating the support packages on Android to support Python 3.10.
  • Notarization on M1. This is becoming an increasingly required part of macOS app publishing, as Apple cranks up the security requirements.

We're also expecting to start the hiring process in the coming month. We'll provide more details when we can point a full job description. If you think you'd like to make BeeWare your day job (or you know someone who might), now would be a good time to start polishing your resume.

Exciting news for the future of BeeWare

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 6 April 2022

The biggest challenge for any Open Source project is finding the resources needed to support development - and the BeeWare project is no exception.

To date, BeeWare has been primarily driven by the efforts of volunteers. We've been able to achieve amazing things with those volunteer efforts, demonstrating that Python is a viable language for GUI development on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android, as well as providing a proof-of-concept demonstration on Web. However, there are still lots of features that we'd like to add, and lots of ongoing maintenance that needs to be done as operating systems and hardware platforms evolve.

Over the years, we've been incredibly fortunate to have the financial support of our members. While I'm incredibly grateful for that support, it falls a long way short of even one full-time salary. We've also received grants (such as the PSF grant), and short-term contracts. These grants and contracts have enabled us to add specific (and much needed) features to BeeWare - but they don't provide resources for ongoing development and maintenance.

However, the brutal truth is that our rate of progress is severely limited by the volunteered resources at our disposal. As a result, I've spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about how we can fund the work that needs to be done to make BeeWare the go-to solution for GUI development on desktop, mobile, and more - and do so without compromising the Open Source roots of the project.

I'm incredibly excited to announce that I've found a solution.

On March 21, I joined Anaconda as a Principal Engineer and Team Lead - and the team I will be leading will be focused 100% on BeeWare.

Anaconda is no stranger to Open Source. In addition to indirectly funding a number of community efforts through their Anaconda Dividend program, they directly employ people to work on Numba, Dask, Pyston and more. BeeWare will be joining this stable of projects.

Anaconda is supporting BeeWare in this way because they see the potential for Python as a language for GUI development - especially on mobile platforms. Python has established itself as an incredibly popular language in education, science, business and more - and in all those markets, there is potential to develop apps. By adding mobile platform support and app development to the list of tasks to which Python is already incredibly capable, Anaconda hopes to ensure the long term prospects of Python as a language, as well as ensuring a healthy market for the products they sell commercially.

BeeWare will continue to be a 100% Open Source project, with all contributions welcome from the community. The only difference is that Anaconda will be directly employing some of the contributors to the project. The conversations I've had with Anaconda's engineering leadership indicates they are acutely aware of the tension that exists between corporate funding and the technical direction of an Open Source project. They've indicated that they want to ensure that BeeWare's technical direction remains independent in both appearance and substance. This includes financial independence - the financial support provided by our members will remain vitally important, as it provides project-level funding for resources such as hosting and promotional materials.

The related good news is that part of my job title is "Team Lead" - so in the very near future, we'll be looking for people to join me on my team. I'm already working out the details of the team that I'd like to have, so watch this space for hiring announcements.

Anaconda has a long history of understanding and contributing to both the Python ecosystem and the Open Source community. Adding BeeWare to their stable of supported projects has enormous potential for BeeWare, and the Python ecosystem as a whole. I'm incredibly excited for what the future holds.

Some new ways to discuss BeeWare

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 1 May 2021

Today, the BeeWare project is making 2 changes to the way we organize our community.

Firstly, we're going to move our real-time chat community from Gitter to Discord.

When we originally set up Gitter, it was a strong option for a chat community - especially one that was focussed on a software project, due to its tight integration with Github. However, over the years, Gitter has undergone multiple changes of ownership, but has remained essentially unchanged - in some cases, it's gotten appreciably worse (their native iOS and Android clients are effectively deprecated). In the meantime, Discord has emerged as a dominant player for community chat. It has a robust mobile client, and really good tools for community moderation, as well as the option of hosting video and voice chats - something we hope to be able to use for coordinating virtual sprints.

To join the new BeeWare Discord server, visit this link.

Secondly, we're going to start using Github Discussions.

For many years, we've tried to use Github Issues as a pseudo-forum. There's a lot of similarity between how a forum works and how Github displays and manages issues. Each "issue" is effectively a forum thread, and each comment is a message in that thread. However, there are also some important differences. Issues get closed when they're resolved; forum threads, however, don't necessarily have a resolution. Most importantly, "closing" an issue can look like someone is trying to kill discussion - when all they're really trying to do is keep the list of issues manageable.

The good news is that Github has noticed the similarity too, and has launched Github Discussions. Discussions offers a familiar "forum" interface, but with the familiar Github message interface, and tight integration with Github Issues and pull requests.

We've enabled Discussions on all the key BeeWare projects - Toga, Briefcase, Rubicon ObjC, Rubicon Java, Colosseum, Travertino and Podium.

Naturally, all of these new community spaces - along with all existing BeeWare spaces - are subject to the BeeWare Community Code of Conduct.

We hope these two changes will make it easier to participate in the BeeWare community. See you there!

Setzt die Android-Bienen frei!

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 6 July 2020

Vor 9 Monaten haben wir angekündigt, dass das BeeWare-Projekt Empfänger eines PSF Education Grants sei. Ende 2019, haben wir Asheesh Laroia zur Umsetzung der Arbeiten gewählt. Heute können wir mit Stolz verkünden, dass die Android-Unterstützung von BeeWare einen Punkt erreicht hat, an dem sie für den Massenkonsum bereit ist.

Das BeeWare-Tutorial wurde aktualisiert und enthält nun auch eine Android-Spur. Das Tutorial führt dich durch den Prozess, deine erste Anwendung zu schreiben und zu deployen - zuerst als Desktop-Anwendung, dann auf deinem Smartphone. Alles, was du dazu brauchst, ist eine Python-Installation; alles andere wird automatisch von den BeeWare-Tools als Teil des Entwicklungsprozesses heruntergeladen.

Als Beweis, dass das Ganze wirklich funktioniert, haben wir Travel Tips im Google Play Store hochgeladen. Im Google Play Store wurde somit eine Python-Anwendung deployed, die aus demselben Quellcode besteht wie die Version im iOS App Store.

Asheesh gebührt großer Dank für all die Arbeit, die er in dieses Projekt investiert hat. Die Bereitstellung des Android-Supports in BeeWare hat beträchtliche technische Fähigkeiten, Liebe zum Detail und kreative Hacks erfordert; und Asheesh hat diese Arbeit konsequent geleistet. Ein großer Dank geht auch an das Education Grants Committee der Python Software Foundation für das Vertrauen, das sie in BeeWare gesetzt haben, als sie dieses Projekt finanziert haben. Innerhalb von 6 Monaten (während wir gleichzeitig eine Weltpandemie zu bekämpfen hatten), sind wir von einem Nichts zu einer vollständigen Android-Implementierung gekommen. Ohne ihre finanzielle Unterstützung wäre dieses Projekt immer noch ein Traum.

Es gibt aber noch viel zu tun. Es gibt immer noch eine Menge Widgets, die Android-Implementierungen benötigen, und neue Widgets, die wir hinzufügen wollen. Wir möchten Unterstützung für Gerätefunktionen wie Kameras, GPS und Beschleunigungsmesser hinzufügen. Wir möchten die Verwendung von binären Python-Paketen wie NumPy, Keras und mehr erleichtern. Und wir möchten die Arbeit, die wir geleistet haben, in CPython selbst zusammenführen.

All dies sind an sich schon bedeutende Projekte, die einen vergleichbaren Aufwand erfordern, wie Android als unterstützte Plattform hinzuzufügen. Und deshalb suchen wir nach finanzieller Unterstützung, um dies zu ermöglichen. Wir bewerben uns um neue Zuschüsse, wenn sich neue Möglichkeiten ergeben, aber die hilfreichste Finanzierungsquelle sind die laufenden Mittel, die sich aus Mitgliedschaften ergeben. Laufende Finanzierung bedeutet, dass wir uns auf die Verbesserung von BeeWare konzentrieren können, anstatt uns um Zuschüsse zu bemühen. Es bedeutet, dass wir in der Lage sind, permanentes Personal einzustellen, anstatt kurzfristige Verträge anzubieten. Und es bedeutet, dass wir in der Lage sind, langfristige Pläne und Versprechungen gegenüber der Gemeinschaft zu machen.

Wenn dieses Projekt etwas beweist, dann, dass Geld etwas bewegt. Wenn du von den Aussichten von Python auf mobilen Plattformen begeistert bist, ziehe bitte in Betracht, dem BeeWare-Projekt als finanzielles Mitglied beizutreten. Falls du Erfahrung mit der Kommerzialisierung von Open-Source-Projekten oder weitere Ideen hast, bitte nimm mit uns Kontakt auf.

Python auf Android: Es lebt!

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 29 February 2020

In den letzten Monaten hatten wir einen Auftragnehmer, (Asheesh Laroia) der daran gearbeitet hat, die Android Unterstützung für die BeeWare Werkzeugsammlung wiederherzustellen.

Ich bin sehr froh mitteilen zu können, dass wir unseren ersten großen Meilenstein erreicht haben: Eine funktionierende, reine Python App, die auf einem Android Gerät läuft!

Das ist nicht das Ende des Projekts - es ist erst der Anfang. Es gibt immer noch viel Feintuning zu machen (Insbesondere was die Größe der Support Bibliotheken betrifft), und wir müssen diese Unterstützung in Briefcase und Toga integrieren.

Trotzdem können Abenteuerlustige Asheeshs work-in-progress Entwicklung ausprobieren. Seine Python Android Support repository enthält den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklungen, und enthält ziemlich gute Anweisungen um loszulegen. Momentan benötigt man noch zumindest ein bisschen Wissen über native Android Programmierung um dieses Repository voll nutzen zu können; aber wenn man die Resultate aus dem Video wiederholen möchte, sollte dieses Repository (und die darin verlinkten Repositorys) alles bereitstellen was man braucht.

Ein großes Dankeschön geht mal wieder an die Python Software Foundation. Ohne ihre finanzielle Unterstützung, wäre diese Arbeit immer noch nur ein Konzept. Dieses Projekt ist nur eine von vielen Arten, auf die PSF Nutzer Spenden die Python Gemeinschaft und das Python Ökosystem untertützen. Wenn Ihre Firma Python in irgendeiner Art und Weise nutzt, empfehle ich Ihnen sehr die PSF finanziell zu unterstützen, damit sie Projekte wie dieses weiterhin unterstützen kann.

Ein großes Dankeschön gebührt auch Asheesh. Ohne seine herrausragenden Fähigkeiten, Liebe zum Detail, und seine Begeisterung für Compilerfehler, hätten wir nicht den unglaublich schnellen Fortschritt erzielt, den wir jetzt beobachten können.

Freut euch bald auf weitere Ankündigungen!

Wir haben einen Auftragnehmer für unseren Android-Vertrag!

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 26 November 2019

Vor einigen Monaten haben wir angekündigt, dass das BeeWare-Projekt von der PSF einen Zuschuss erhalten hat, um unsere Unterstützung für Android zu verbessern. Damals riefen wir Auftragnehmer auf, uns bei der Durchführung dieser Arbeit zu unterstützen.

Wir freuen uns sehr, euch mitteilen zu können, dass wir jetzt einen Auftragnehmer ausgewählt haben: Asheesh Laroia.

Asheesh ist ein regelmäßiger Referent bei Python-Veranstaltungen, wo er sich in eine Reihe von detaillierten und komplexen Themen vertieft hat. Er hat uns auch mit der Liste unkonventioneller technischer Integrationsprojekte beeindruckt, an denen er in professioneller und gelegentlicher Tätigkeit mitgewirkt hat.

Auf die Frage, warum er sich für eine Zusammenarbeit mit BeeWare für diesen Auftrag beworben hat, sagte Asheesh: "Ich benutze jeden Tag ein Android-Telefon und fühle mich geehrt, an der Umsetzung der BeeWare-Vision mitwirken zu können, Python zur Erstellung erstklassiger, nativer Anwendungen einzusetzen.

Asheesh wird seine Arbeit Mitte Dezember aufnehmen, und wenn alles gut läuft, sollten wir ab Mitte bis Ende Februar signifikante Ergebnisse sehen. Wenn du den Fortschritt verfolgen möchtest, kannst du BeeWare auf Twitter verfolgen; wir werden auch größere Updates auf diesem Blog veröffentlichen.

BeeWare-Projekt erhält PSF-Bildungszuschuss

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on 25 September 2019

Das BeeWare-Projekt will es allen Python-Entwicklern ermöglichen, native Anwendungen für Desktop- und mobile Plattformen zu schreiben. Wir haben solide Unterstützung für die meisten Desktop-Betriebssysteme und iOS, aber wir wissen, dass unsere Android-Unterstützung fehlt. Das BeeWare-Kernteam weiß, was getan werden muss, um das Problem zu lösen - was uns bisher gefehlt hat, sind Zeit und Ressourcen.

Dank der PSF-Bildungszuschussgruppe ist das kein Thema mehr. Wir haben einen Zuschuss von 50'000 US-Dollar erhalten, um die Android-Unterstützung von BeeWare auf ein Niveau zu bringen, das mit unserer iOS-Unterstützung vergleichbar ist. Da wir derzeit nicht die Zeit haben, die Arbeit selbst zu erledigen, rufen wir Auftragnehmer auf, uns bei der Bereitstellung dieser Unterstützung zu helfen.

Es handelt sich um einen bezahlten Vertrag, der voraussichtlich 3-6 Monate dauern wird (abhängig von der Erfahrung des gewählten Auftragnehmers). Du musst auch nicht in den USA oder Europa ansässig sein; die Möglichkeit steht allen offen, die die Anforderungen des Vertrags erfüllen.

Leider erfordert diese Aufgabe einige anspruchsvolle Fähigkeiten, und wir sind nicht in der Lage, eine umfassende Betreuung anzubieten. Für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung werden voraussichtlich einige Erfahrungen und eine Vorgeschichte mit den betreffenden Technologien erforderlich sein.

Eine vollständige Rollenbeschreibung und Arbeitsumfang für den Vertrag ist verfügbar. Um dein Interesse zu bekunden, sende bitte deinen Lebenslauf und dein Bewerbungsschreiben an

Wir freuen uns darauf, in naher Zukunft volle Unterstützung für Android ankündigen zu können!

2018 Google Summer of Code - VOC Optimization

Posted by Patience Shyu on 14 August 2018

Google Summer of Code is coming to an end. I've spent the summer working on optimizing the VOC compiler, and I’m super excited to share the results.


There are a couple of ways to evaluate the performance improvement from my project.


Firstly, we introduced a microbenchmarking suite. Each microbenchmark is a small piece of Python code that tests a single and specific Python construct, or datatype, or control flow. The benchmarking infrastructure itself is crude (essentially it just tells you the total amount of processor time it took to run, with no fancy statistics) but it has been extremely useful to me while working on performance features to verify performance gain.

The idea is that the benchmarking suite is not to be run as part of the full test suite, but rather as needed and manually whenever an optimization is implemented. It also provides a way to check and prevent performance regression, especially on the "optimized" parts of VOC. While it doesn't really make sense to record specific numbers, as they will always vary from machine to machine, it should be reasonably easy to compare two versions of VOC. Benchmark numbers are included on each optimization-related PR I've worked on this summer (see PR log below), and I hope that more benchmarks will be added as more performance efforts are carried out in the future.


Pystone is a Python Dhrystone, a standard benchmark for testing the performance of Python on a machine. Here are the before and after results on my machine:

May 10th, 2018:

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone test_pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 101.833 This machine benchmarks at 490.998 pystones/second

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone test_pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 101.298 This machine benchmarks at 493.595 pystones/second

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone test_pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 102.247 This machine benchmarks at 489.014 pystones/second

On current master (Aug 14th, 2018):

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone test_pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 11.2300 This machine benchmarks at 4452.37 pystones/second

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone test_pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 10.9833 This machine benchmarks at 4552.36 pystones/second

$ python test -s tests.test_pystone pystone (tests.test_pystone.PystoneTest) ... Pystone(1.2) time for 50000 passes = 10.9498 This machine benchmarks at 4566.29 pystones/second


Some things that I learned about VOC while working on this project:

1. Object creation in the JVM is expensive. This definitely does not mean that the VOC user writing Python should think about minimizing the number of objects that she creates, but rather that any time we can non-trivially reduce the number of objects created during bytecode transpilation or in VOC-defined function calls, we can expect to see a huge performance boost. Integer and boolean preallocation, which is about reusing objects that have already been created, was one of the most significant improvements we made this summer.

2. Method calls in VOC are expensive. This is essentially due to the process of invoking a callable: you have to check that the method is defined on the object, then construct it (read: object creation!), and check the arguments, before it can actually be called. (This is done using reflection, which is super interesting and confusing in itself.) And this is the reason why refactoring the Python comparison functions made such a big performance impact, because we were able to circumvent this process.

3. Exception-heavy code is expensive. Again, this is not to say that the programmer is on the hook for being frugal when throwing exceptions, but that VOC benefits greatly by avoiding the use of exceptions internally except when strictly necessary. For instance, Python uses StopIteration exceptions to signal the end of a for loop, and they quickly rack up when you have nested loops (everything is ultimately related to object creation!). That was the motivation for the nested loops optimization.

If I may be a bit more reflective here, one of the a-ha! moments I had this summer was realizing that to really optimize something, you have to understand where its biggest problems are first. I remember pitching to Russ at the start of the summer things like loop unrolling, constant folding, even converting to SSA-form (you know, stuff I heard about optimzation in my compilers class) and he was saying to me, think simpler. While working on my project, I used a profiler to understand exactly which parts of VOC were slow, and that information drove the changes we implemented. I think it worked out pretty well!

Future Work

  • Minimize boxing of primitive types like String and Int. As VOC is written half in Python, half in Java, a single integer can be found in various representations on its way through the compiler -- as a Python object, unboxed to a primitive Java int, then packaged back up to a Python object. This problem was (somewhat incoherently) addressed in my proposal, but ultimately we couldn't come up with a good abstraction to support it.
  • Build a peephole optimizer. CPython's peephole optimizer scans generated bytecode to identify sequences of bytecode that can be optimized, VOC could benefit from this too.
  • Hook up more benchmarks, which serve as both proof of the kinds of programs VOC can currently compile and areas ripe for performance improvement.

Thank you

I will wrap this up by giving big thanks to Russ, my mentor. The time you spent helping me form my ideas, patiently answering my questions and reviewing my work was invaluable to me. It couldn't have been easy keeping up with what I was doing especially since I started improvising halfway through the summer. I am so grateful for your help, thank you.