So who are the people behind BeeWare? Well, there's a huge group of contributors, but the project is managed by the Bee Team.
Current team
Russell Keith-Magee
Dr Russell Keith-Magee ist der Gründer des BeeWare Projektes. Er ist seit 2006 teil des Django Core Teams und war für 5 Jahre President der Django Software Foundation. Wenn er nicht zu Open Source Projekte beiträgt, ist er Ingenieur bei Survata.
Superpower: Beelevolent Diktator, zur Zeit
Katie McLaughlin
Katie has worn many different hats over the years. She has previously been a software developer for many languages, systems administrator for multiple operating systems, and speaker on many different topics.
When she's not changing the world, she enjoys cooking, making tapestries, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.
Superpower: Batavia, Website, Senior Apiarist
Philip James
Philip writes code for computers and for humans. His first computing love is Python, but is too often forced to write JavaScript and Swift. When he's not writing code for money or for Open Source or for his own crazy projects, he gives talks at conferences. Philip lives in Alameda, California with his wife and her cat. Philip believes in the web.
Amber Brown
Amber Brown pretends to be an owl on the internet. When she's not releasing or working on Twisted, she works on software for various commercial and non-profit companies. She's so good at talking endlessly about Twisted that Russell even once invited her to keynote on it.
Also, she likes people tweeting pictures of owls at her.
Charlotte Mays
Charlotte has been coding for more years than she likes to admit, and has a passion for building cool things and helping other people learn how to build cool things. She is among the organizers of PyLadies RDU, and can often be found making things out of yarn when not making things out of code.
Olga Bulat
Olga is a python and BeeWare enthusiast, also interested in NLP, geography and languages.
She also enjoys hanging out with kids.
Sagi Shadur
Sagi Shadur is a software engineer and a mathematician. He has a B.Sc. in mathematics and these days he's on his way for a second B.Sc. in physics. He's also a poet who published two books in Hebrew, "Mountains and Valleys" and "The Emissary".
Sam Schott
Sam is a physicist and a software engineer. He got introduced to Python while automating data acquisition in the lab and soon realised that he enjoyed writing and sharing code. When away from a computer, you will find him hiking or sailing along the English coast.
Russell Martin
Russell is a tinkerer and aspiring creator. He fell in love with python years ago and wants to see apps built with it everywhere. If he isn't writing code, he's probably falling down a Wikipedia rabbit hole or playing sys admin to his bloated home lab.
Malcolm Smith
Malcolm is the creator of Chaquopy, which aims to make it as easy as possible to use Python in Android apps. With BeeWare, he's now looking forward to expanding that mission to all desktop and mobile platforms.
Malcolm is a Senior Software Engineer in the Open Source group at Anaconda (a BeeWare Gold sponsor).
Charles Whittington
As a comic artist, machinist, welder, carpenter, and programmer, Charles has worn many hats (but more commonly sticks to a bandana). If they're not building theater sets for a living or chasing yaks ever downward through Toga and Travertino, they're probably building yet another shelving or other storage unit in their house.
Emeritus team members
Chiang Fong Lee
Chiang Fong has been pretending to be a systems administrator since the Mandriva Linux days, and has recently moved into acting like he knows how to write software.
When not poking at code to de-stress, he spends his time fiddling with fountain pens and mechanical keyboards. He has yet to learn the lesson of not mixing inky fingers with pretty keycaps.
Elias Dorneles
Elias is a certified yak-shaver. He likes to fiddle with Python and open source stuff. At home, he likes to read, cook and to play Beatles songs on his guitar.
Elias gets by with a little help from his friends.
Dan Yeaw
Dan leads teams to design safety in to complex automotive and mobility systems, and dreams of using BeeWare tools to help model these systems.
When not hacking on open source projects, Dan likes to hang with his kids, brew beer, and play soccer.
Christopher Swenson
Dr. Christopher Swenson is a software engineer, computer scientist, and occasional mathematician. Swenson has been working with Python since about 2004, and involved in open source since before knowing what open source really was. Swenson likes sorting a lot, and maintains an open source high-performance C sorting library. Swenson has sold their labor to companies big and small, such as Simple, Google, and the US Government, and wrote a book on cryptography. Swenson is an organizer of PyDX. Swenson is a cupcake.