نُشِرَ Dan Yeaw; 3 January 2019

Dan wrote a blog post about how to use Poetry and Briefcase to packaging your library or application.

How to Rock Python Packaging with Poetry and Briefcase

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نُشِرَ Dan Yeaw; 8 November 2018

Dan wrote a blog post about how to build your own Toga GUI Widget.

5 Steps to Build Python Native GUI Widgets for BeeWare

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بواسطة Katie McLaughlin; نُشِرَ 25 October 2017

Cross-platform application development is a holy grail of software engineering. Write once, run everywhere - desktops, mobiles, and the web. There have been many attempts at this over the years, but the absolute pinnacle of this art form is to have no-one notice - you want your apps to look and feel like native apps so that your users can't tell. Bonus points is if your development happens in a language you already know and use. This is the goal of BeeWare: a suite of application tools and libraries that to develop native cross platform applications in Python. During this short presentation Katie will take you on a tour of the BeeWare stack, and describe how we've used the project as an incubator for new open source contributors around the world.

(The talk was unfortunately not recorded, but Katie has recorded a screencast for us!)

كما رُئِيَ في GitHub Constellation Sydney

إنشاء تطبيق يشتغل على 6 منصات في 20 دقيقة

بواسطة Russell Keith-Magee; نُشِرَ 5 August 2017

هل تريد أن تكتب تطبيقا رسوميا و يمكنك تشغيله على الكمبيوتر المحمول؟ ماذا عن تطبيق يمكنك تشغيله على هاتف؟ تاريخيا ، كان من الصعب تحقيق ذلك باستخدام Python ، ومن المستحيل تحقيقه دون تعلم API مختلف لكل منصة. ولكن ليس بعد الآن .

BeeWare هي عبارة عن مجموعة من الأدوات والمكتبات التي تتيح لك إنشاء تطبيقات واجهة المستخدم الرسومية الأصلية عبر الأنظمة الأساسية باستخدام لغة Python فقط ، حيث تستهدف منصات سطح المكتب والجوال ومنصات الويب. في هذا الحديث ، ستتعرف على مجموعة أدوات ومكتبات BeeWare ، وترى كيف يمكنك استخدامها لتطوير تطبيقات واجهة المستخدم الرسومية البسيطة ، من الصفر ، والتي يمكن نشرها كتطبيق مستقل لسطح المكتب ، أو تطبيق للهاتف المحمول ، أو تطبيق ويب صفحة واحدة - دون إجراء أي تغييرات على كود البرنامج الأصلي .

كما رُئِيَ في PyCon AU 2017

How to write a Python transpiler

بواسطة Russell Keith-Magee; نُشِرَ 20 May 2017

We all know Python is a powerful and expressive programming language. What you may not know is how much of the internals of Python itself is exposed for you to use and manipulate.

In this talk, you'll be introduced to the tools and libraries Python provides to manipulate the compilation and execution of Python code. You will also see how you can use those tools to target execution environments other than the CPython virtual machine.

كما رُئِيَ في PyCon US 2017

Snek in the Browser

بواسطة Katie McLaughlin; نُشِرَ 19 May 2017

Python is a decades-strong language with a large community, and it has a solid foundation on the server, but it doesn't have a good user story in the browser... until now.

The BeeWare project aims to bring Python natively, everywhere. Using a combination of the Batavia and Toga projects, we can develop and entirely native web experience in Python, no JavaScript required.

During this talk, you will learn about how the BeeWare project has built Batavia, a Python virtual machine in JavaScript; and Toga, a multi-platform native API wrapper; a combination of which can be used to build an entire web platform in Python only.

كما رُئِيَ في PyCon US 2017

Cross-platform development with Python and BeeWare

نُشِرَ Katie McLaughlin; 28 April 2017

Katie wrote an article about BeeWare and her PyCon US 2017 talk for OpenSource.com.

Cross-platform development with Python and BeeWare

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Making a TV remote in Python

نُشِرَ Anthony Shaw; 4 February 2017

Anthony Shaw walks through the process of using Briefcase, Toga, and the Python iOS support tools to build a remote control app for his TV.

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Pybee is awesome

نُشِرَ Elias Dorneles; 28 October 2016

Elias Dorneles writes on why he thinks BeeWare is awesome, and why you should help build it.

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Talk Python #79

by Michael Kennedy; published 9 October 2016

Could you write me a Python app for the wide range of platforms out there? Oh, wait, I want them to be native GUI applications. And I need them on mobile (Android, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS) as well as major desktop apps. I also need them to appear indistinguishable from native apps (be a .app on macOS, .exe on Windows, etc).

What technology would you use for this? This week I'll introduce you to a wide set of small, focused and powerful tools that make all of this, and more, possible. We're speaking with Russell Keith-Magee, founder of the Beeware project.

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